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The police have been back twice to The Marion overnight. I'm a little devastated - I have from the young man that Peter Augulhus met him when he was 15 years old. The boy was on his way
way home to PE. Peter persuaded the boy to come home with him. Drugged him. Sexually molested him. The boy has been with him ever since. Ten years. In which he has not spoken to his family, feels that he's betraying Peter when he speaks out.
Peter broke the protection order I took out against him when he locked the community out of the centre - we called the police. They arrested hin amidst threats from him to destroy their careers, and the jobs of anyone opposing him. He
was arrested the Saturday night. The Sunday morning he was walking around waving at everyone.
Last night the first sergeant who came in response to him 'being murdered' received a deluge of calls from superiors insisting he arrest me. Just me. I stan this police officer.
Peter Augulhas knows people in the Police Services. The young man that he has ensnared in his filth called him a 'paedophile' to me, and 2 other members of this community. In the same breath he claims to 'know what happened at Zonnebloem (the school Peter Augulhas
previously left under a cloud of suspicion about? 'Intefering with a child' )'. The same person who calls him a paedophile. The Marion - outside Lockdown- houses TWO nursery schools. Both principals were with our group removing Peter Agulhas from The Marion last night.
Peter knows someone in the Police Services. When Peter calls the police on the community when he is confronted, they come immediately. When the community states their case, the officers ALWAYS get on their phones and have long discussions with 'superiors' about appropriate
application of the law. The community is then ALWAYS instructed to calm down and leave from the Marion, since there is NOTHING the police can do about him, it's a matter for the Courts. Peter is either a paedophile with helluva connections - or the
truth about a ring of paedophiles is unfolding here. Stay with me. This community has no recourse with the police - we've learned that the hard way. Our only relief has been the officers who know the area. Last night they turned away 4 more policemen
who had arrived to investigate a murder being reported while the original officers were still on the premises.
But turn to the courts we did. By now you should get the tone of this so I'll shortcut: Peter Agulhas has more than 120 cases against various
members of the community - it would be easier to say who he hasn't made a case against. The ones I'm involved in - my insistence on the community having access to their centre - he has managed to turn into my manipulation of the situation because I want his job - it
makes sense in a kind of twisted because he claims everything he's doing - denying the community access, not letting us be fed from there on his whim - is because he cares about this community. When Peter Augulhas told the community they can't be fed from there, he claimed it
was because he cared.
I said shortcut - our magistrate before the current one, halfway through our Court Application recuses himself. Halfway through. Conflict of interest. He SUDDENLY remembers that he can't be hearing this as he was somehow involved in something about
an election at The Marion. Half-way through - there must be transcripts. We got another magistrate. Who granted us the protection order that gives us access to the building. That we had him locked up for contravening - the first time in ever, that the community actually
had the law on their sid e - and that he was immediate released for and went back to locking us out again.
Turns out the Magistrate that recused himself actually knows Peter, was convener of an election where his instruction to Peter was, as an aside, 'Môre laat jy die mense in'
The magistrate who is also from Mossel Bay, like Peter Augulhas. The magistrate who off the record advised me this week to try and bring the case forward as that is the only way to afford the community access. I tried. The clerk of the court handed me the order. I went
to the Police Station (remember, it''s lockdown so imagne these logistics). The police came, we served the order. The next day I'm listening to my messages. A noticeably upset Clerk Of The Court. The order she gave me wasn't valid, you can't formulate an
order like that, in this instance. The notable thing is, that we were supposedly at court on the wrong day, except that Peter Augulhas was also there. And he went to see that Magistrate
The least of this is that Peter Augulhas is a paedophile with connections.
Finally, an officer at Cape Town Police, sent on yet another mission to protect Peter, confirmed that there had been a verbal demand from someone in PARLIAMENT to arrest the whole community.

What we do know is that Peter is a Tik addict. We know that the woman who lives with him
there is a Tik addict and that Peter has 'adopted' her little girl of 3/4 years of age. That there's a woman activist - fired from the union- who has starting holing up with him at The Marion. This woman is called Farah. She advises Peter. The young man, Peter's victim,
told Farah what happened to him all those years ago. Farah asked him if he went to the police, and since he didn't what was he complaining about now. Last night Peter came for me. Tried to push me down the stairs. I moered him. Two of his honchos jumped in. A community
member jumped in. We all went flying down the stairs. I've got a bump against the side of my head, my rib is aching, I think I hit it on the step, my wrists hurt, my ankle hurt and I am as tired as I think my community is. Maar luister gou. We're almost there
then I can give up and go to sleep for a very long time. My heart is shrinking to a little raisin inside me. He's coming for me today, and he's got resources. He's going to try and centre me in this, make this about my behaviour, my character - I'm big, I
can take it. What I need you to do is not fall for it. This is not about me. He is the paedophile living with a child that is not his family, and he has free access to that child. Remember, that is what is going on here and that's what stays paramount. Today I'm doing Child
Protection Services, the Ombudsman and I'm going to check with the children if they want to go take their community centre back. I need you to make a noise about what this is really about. And not in a way that exposes who the young man in question is. It stops
here. With me. I know what is going on.
I'm fighting this.
Fucking abuse our children? Over a period of time? And nothing the police or the courts can do for us?
I need you to make sure this doesn't dissappear
And don't engage what will be said about me. It's important - stay
focused on what I told you.
This is not about me. It is about our children. And our children here have sent a clear message : Enough.

I am about my children
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