@JubileeBlais @MandJTV_Michael - https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sr9qco 

Using mental illness is not a valid excuse for your actions. I don't understand what kind of trauma YOU went through at PAX with regards to Nathan, that's complete bullshit. What do you think the people that were closer...
...to him felt? What are you even saying?

All you care about is yourself. What you said about Christian was an insinuation and based from a joke he made. Sure he made a tweet in satire, not something I necessarily condone, but a joke no less. It did not justify your actions to..
...potentially seek out and hurt his career. Christian has had people attacking him in mentions making him out to be a person he isn't because of YOUR ill-educated, emotion filled attacks.

I'm glad you're getting the help you need, please don't interact with me again.
There is so much more fucked up stuff in relation to this message but I can't get to it all... You cannot use your mental illness as an excuse for the negative impact of your actions. It demonizes anyone else that deals with that themselves.
The impulsivity comes from a place of power, you have some strange enjoyment from calling people out publically on your timeline and it's not okay at all. This is emotional manipulation and I won't stand for it.
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