Traveled for a while now I'm back at "making my own spacemacs". Since last time I've moved the .emacs file to an init.el and will be splitting the config down to individual el files. All progress will be kept in
M-x describe-variable followed by "major-mode" is a very useful tool so you can ensure the correct keybinds get set in the correct modes.
Treemacs has a bunch of supporting packages to make things a bit easier
in helm-find-files I'm used to expanding paths with TAB which isn't default behavior. This can be changed by doing the following (from
The sane commenting in spacemacs comes from evil-commentary
surround mode is good for protecting sanity, I bind this to a small s because I apparently want the world to burn
Get rid of the pesky menu and tool bars for maximum l33t
Ah, by default emacs wants you to type a full "yes" or "no", was driving me nuts. Here's the fix 
My 4000 line org file started to chug with line numbers enabled. paired with (global-nlinum-mode) fixes that. This was an issue I faced in #doomemacs as well.
recent files are not tracked by default so this works
For sane keybinds in org mode I'm using evil-org-mode. The configuration is a bit complicated and I ended up swiping someone's from reddit. You need it enabled after org, and then enable it through org-mode's hook (and then further enable the keybinds once it's active)
"helm-mini" is what I was missing
I use helm swoop a lot and it required a bit more love
It took me an embarrassingly long amount of time to figure out how to turn one or more function calls into a command that can be mapped by general. You define a function like so (has to be interactive) and then it can be referenced as 'load-config
And here's how to do it as a lambda
I have reached my first "l33t" moment with emacs
evil-collection ensures some other parts of emacs also have nice vim like keybinds
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