I’m replaying Last of Us Part II and wanted to be able to list some things I noticed as I go, so let’s go on a spoiler filled adventure!

Ellie's reaction when Joel sets up the clock joke is one of the most impressive facial animation moments I think I can recall.

It's such a little gesture I've seen so much in my life and they nailed it. I was impressed the first time, and even moreso watching for it this time!
Walking through Jackson for the first time invokes Abby's first morning in Day 1 and I never noticed before.

They wake up, ask if they want breakfast (no for Ellie, yes for Abby), grab their gear, and head out. Passing the community, and more specifically, classrooms as they do
I wonder - for the workbench, do they swap out for super high detail assets, and then snap back once the gun leaves the frame for gameplay?

Cause there’s no way they sustain these LOD’s for regular gameplay, the detail on the guns at the workbench is insane
In the Barko’s drop off location in Seattle, Dina mentions in New Mexico they had the Ravens, which means our running count of area specific groups in the game’s universe to what, 5?

Fireflies, WLF, Seraphites, Rattlers, and Ravens

I smell a new factions multiplayer setup!
@TheVulcanSalute absolutely kills me with the little lines like “That’s a big boy” in birthday gift, and “Get a good scratch”

It’s the little touches that crack me up so much and I’ve been looking forward to these lines on the replay!

Truly the “Bye-bye dude” of Part II!
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