#COVID19 has reached the Family Detention Centers. I repeat. COVID has spread to detention centers that imprison ENTIRE families.

You might be thinking, "wait, there's family detention centers?" Yes. They are owned by private prison companies. Average age of kids? 4 year olds.
One more thing. If you are angry as I am and want to do something. Feel free to take the anger out at Child Separator @DHS_Wolf. He for sure checks his tweets.
I am beyond angry at this right now, so let me tell you more about this. According to some of the attorneys who work with these families, the testing was insane. They asked the mothers to take a normal q-tip & put it in their nose & for the moms to do it to the children as well.
Fams tested for COVID19 are put in quarantine. At one of the detention centers, quarantine means mother and children held in one cell, with father held alone in another cell. The family can only see each other once per day for 30 minutes.
They must stay in their cells at all times except for those 30 minute periods. It is essentially solitary confinement. #DontLookAway
One more fact. Average time families remained detained: 100 days. That's over 3 months of children living in prison like conditions. Yes, children are still in cages. They look different than the ones we've seen on TV, but they are still cages.
Another fact. Most of the families at Karnes and Berks family detention centers are from Haiti. Please follow @HaitianBridge to support the work that they do to keep Haitian asylum seekers safe.

Yes, Immigration is a Black issue. #BlackLivesMatter
One last tweet: Remember in November. #DumpTrump
You can follow @ErikaAndiola.
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