Can you imagine satisfaction?
Can you imagine being plased with what you have?
Can you imagine your only longing being for more love and community?
Can you imagine a satiated hunger for more *things*?
What will you do with your desire when it isn’t spent on wanting more *things*?
Capitalism is a religion, a doctrine, the first tenent of which is the abolition of *enough*.

It’s a belief system rooted in the false myth that there is a never ending supply of *things*.

*Things* are more valuable than people, love, community, connection, belonging...
Can you define a success that doesn’t center money or consumption of *things*?
What does a people centered AMBITION look like?

Can you imagine?

Have you ever had it?
We must dream bigger than the systems we are oppressed by. Our ambitions must be bigger than capitalist dreams of wealth. Our imagination must envision beyond the language we currently have to think about success.
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