Next season is going to be the strongest Premier League for a long time....
⭐️Liverpool their squad and youth coming through and a huge kitty to invest if they need I can see them getting even stronger.
⭐️Man City incredible squad but will need to manage the departure of David Silva - a huge loss and will need to be filled.
⭐️Leicester will strengthen their squad in the summer and need to find their pre xmas form but a class side when firing.
⭐️Chelsea with their youngsters a year older and incredible transfer business so far I can see them vastly improving and perhaps competing for major domestic honours.
⭐️Man Utd the jigsaw piece of Bruno has improved them immensely but defo need some more quality in the defensive positions. Perhaps a new DM.
⭐️⭐️⭐️Wolves, Tottenham and Arsenal I can see all spending a few quid in the market to strengthen. These could push on to become stronger outfits next season particularly with a pre season for Mourinho and Arteta to install their philosophies.
🍆Also a wild card of Newcastle could surprise a few people if the new owners decide to invest heavily in the summer.
That is going to be so competitive and with the potential of West Brom, Leeds and Fulham coming back in to the Prem it could be interesting.
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