Its horrible that 50-75% of girls who have ADHD go undiagnosed. ADHD presents differently in girls; girls symptoms don't often fit the stereotypical view of ADHD. One of the ways hyperactivity presents in girls who have ADHD is in outbursts of sadness or anger- later 1/4
Them to be diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder(BPD)/ Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder(EUPD). Girls who have ADHD are much more likely to develop eating disorders, anxiety and depression as a result of being undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. 2/4
Also, girls who have ADHD often experience a flare up in their symptoms when they are on their period and are at higher risk of developing PMS. This is often dismissed as normal teenage feelings, leaving girls who have ADHD at higher risk of taking their own life 3/4
Psychiatry is built on stereotypes, misogyny, racism and biases. It is no secret that change/reform is desperately needed to create a system that caters for those who need it. 4/4
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