Yas. Call this shit out for what it is: White-ppl led movement trying to come after the nuclear family structure in the black community. Dog whistles against black fathers and black straight men all over the fucking place, engendering a mindset that further lends itself to black https://twitter.com/ccfittness/status/1276115070964117504
women remaining single moms and black men feeling alienated from the role of fatherhood. This shit is as subversive and nefarious as it gets, and I have been sitting on the sidelines for fear of offending ppl on the issue of race. But fuck it, I’m half indigenous African and half
American, so if you’re trying to come for me, u better have some logic to back your shit up because that identity politics bullshit is not going to fucking play here.
Also, this shit encourages black people to invest in a system whereby their children could also be more easily neglected and abused - in fact sexual abuse of children is most often perpetrated by extended family or family friends. To discourage black ppl from trying to cultivate
strong, loving, and stable families for themselves and their children is legit some of the most “anti-black” shit I can think of. How better to attack a group of people than to encourage its members to self-destruct while simultaneously convincing them that
the road to self-destruction should be followed for their own “best interests.” This is straight up some diabolical psy ops shit.
As someone else pointed out, notice how the BLM website pays no mind to black males - even though BLM is marching out to “protest” the deaths of black males...Even though black males in America face one of the highest rates of incarceration for petty crimes in the entire world 🤔
So what to do? Man stop listening to all of the fucking #BLM matras and organize with the black people you know to SUPPORT black ppl. Take the attention away from propagating feelings of helplessness. Instead create a list of all the black owned businesses in your area that u can
support. Talk to those business owners, see if you can get black business owners to organize functions together aimed at educating young black people about how the world actually works. Research local politicians and get the gossip and scoop on them. Share that with black
community leaders. Teach young black kids about how municipal government and state government work and that more elections than just the presidency really do matter. Learn about your local school board - who is representing your district? What are your children doing when they’re
not in school? Spend time with them, talk to them, teach them to take pride in their family and their ethnicity and their heritage NO MATTER what other ppl think, what racists think etc. Teach them to always think about the spiritual side of life, to feel a connection to
something bigger than us, and not to subscribe to this secular identity politics garbage because that is a game that ultimately only white people already in power will be the benefactors of.
And one more thing to anybody reading this, since this my fuckin post, I’m gonna rant for a second. DON’T LET ANYONE TELL YOU this bogus shit about “back in Africa, it’s a whole tribe who raises the kids.” MFers, I lived in Africa with my Dad’s whole African fucking family
is YOUR FAMILY. Everything there is always about growing your tribe - which is YOUR FAMILY. So anyone out here encouraging black Americans to “reject the Western nuclear family concept” THOSE MOTHERFUCKERS DON’T KNOW A FUCKING
THING ABOUT AFRICA. They are SO FULL OF SHIT. Tell those motherfuckers to go take a trip to Africa then. The “nuclear family” is NOT A WESTERN CONCEPT. AFRICAN TRIBES HAVE, FOR MILLENNIA, BEEN FAMILIAL TRIBES. So FUCK anyone who tries to tell you any different.
And you can be queer or homosexual or transexual or “transgender” and still dedicate your lifetime to a partner and raising a family together - so I don’t see why the fuck this would be discouraged. Saying INSTEAD that you ENCOURAGE the “community” raising your children sounds
really “nice” - aside from the fact that it kind of overlooks the hard-won right of same-sex marriage which, love aside, also allows same-sex couples to more easily grow their assets together and also raise a family together and share legal custody. Why would a “nuclear family”
now be discouraged in the LGBQT community all of a sudden? Smacks of Marxism - aka white kids who identify as “Anarchists.”
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