Huge salary is cool but have you ever had a supervisor who acknowledges your potential, appreciated your spirit, and deeply cares about your personal development?
Seneng bgtt bacain reply & quote tweet. Ternyata banyak bgt bos2 baik di luar sana 🥰. Sbg sedikit konteks, aku kerja di univ. Jd soal gaji emg udh diatur SBU. But despite all that, he really encourages us to pursue our education, publish papers, & mendalami our areas of interest
Di kultur kerja univ di mana apresiasi atasan itu sgt mahal, aku ngerasa beruntung bs kerja sm dosen yg bener2 care sm well-being & academic advancement asisten2nya. Yg ngga cuma ngasih instruksi tp jg ngajak diskusi. Yg sangat2 serius memikirkan our future career mau dibawa kmn.
Pernah bbrp kali kerja sm spv lain dan blm nemu sih yg kaya gt. So yeah this situation may not apply for everyone. But in this context, I feel genuinely grateful. Awal2 jg sempet ragu utk jadiin ini main job, tp stlh dijalani ternyata rewardnya jauh lebih besar dr sekedar gaji.
But pls note, aku sama sekali ngga ada maksud utk glorify overwork and underpayment loh ya. Reward memang harus bgt disesuaikan dg workload masing2. Tp sbg fresh grad, for as long as my salary can fulfill my needs, I’ll always choose to learn from a great tutor while I can ✨
In general also, I would say, always aim to work for someone who appreciates your worth. Apapun bentuk apresiasinya, if your work always gets you excited and challenged and make you feel accomplished, then you’re working for the right person. Might as well hold on to that 🥰
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