Vitamin A can be stored in the skin cells as retinyl esters, which will then be metabolised into retinoic acid to be used by the body joining the vitamin A cycle. Vitamin A derivatives are primarily used to help
even out texture and tone, by boosting cellular turnover. When using retinol/retinal/retinoids it’s is important to note that you are very likely to experience purging! But this doesn’t mean the product isn’t working for you, it’s like everything coming to the surface & it will
go away. Do not use retinol/retinoids in conjunction with other exfoliants or sensitising actives, keep your routine simple & moisture filled. ALWAYS WEAR SPF. Retinol/retinoids are typically used from teenage to mature skin, depending on the concern.
RETINOL: This is the most talked about vitamin A derivative. This will help with fine lines wrinkles and hyperpigmentation. You should always start with this at a very low concentration such as 0.01% & work your way up to 1%. You can get this over the counter.
Retinal: Retinal is said to work faster than retinol and be used on more mature skin. You can get this over the counter too to treat fine lines, wrinkles, texture, hyperpigmentation and acne. This is the only form that has antibacterial properties. Available via allies of skin.
Bakuchiol: this is the ingredient that the uber naturals like to say is a direct replacement for retinol. I really don’t think it is... the effects that I’ve observed on myself & others are no where near the results you get with retinol. It is supposed to give all the positive
side effects of retinol but without the negative side effects like peeling & sensitisation (also said go be pregnancy safe). Available via Inkey list.
Tretinoin: can obtained in prescription form from a doctor and is usually used to treat fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, acne & texture. This is much stronger than over the counter retinol. I personally found this to be very intense. Tretinoin is all trans-retinoic-acid.
Like retinol Tretinoin will increase cell turnover, but this will be done at a greater rate. NOT pregnancy safe. Available via dermatica + skinandme.
Isotretinoin: This is something you can only get prescribed from a dermatologist and is the oral form of tretinoin. This retinoid is what got my acne in check. I would say it dries you from the inside out and prevents you from getting many new breakouts so your skin will have a
chance to heal, all whilst boosting cell turnover. NOT pregnancy safe. Not everyone is the right candidate for Isotretinoin.
You must wear SPF with all of these treatments! I forgot to say retinol & retinal are also not pregnancy safe. Retinal is an aldehyde. THANK YOU FOR READING🤍
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