No rapture.
No ascention.
We're riding this one out, folks! Buckle up! 🙆‍♀️ Arms up for this roller coaster ride, friends!
Don't worry, if you're not tricked by all this crap, and you don't do what they all want, we'll be all good! Luke 21:18-19
For those of you not buying this, and who see through it all, and who know we're taking this ride all the way through, and you need some encouragement, these were meant for you, for right now and through all this:

Is 41; 42; 43:1-21;
Luke 12:22-32
And most importantly Lk 12:8-12
God is merciful to those who stick this out. He provides for us, protects us, and will be with us through this, as He was with Shadrach, Meschach, and Abednigo in the fire. And as Daniel was unharmed with lions, so shall it be with you.
You can follow @Esther_922.
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