as the 70th anniversary of the korean war approaches, i want to dispel some common myths about it, namely:
-the north started it
-the US "liberated" the south from "tyranny"
-the war is over
these are all lies made to justify the genocide & continued subjugation of the korean ppl
1) after the liberation of korea from colonial rule, the people's republic of korea (PRK) came into fruition, supported by the masses & uniting the entire country under one government. general macarthur divided korea and declared himself leader of the southern portion of korea.
the US dividing the nation and disbanding the PRK was an act of war. on top of this, anti-US dissenters in the south were brutally massacred. there were various clashes on the border as well- so blaming the north for the war is stupid.the US was, and continues to be the aggressor
2) the structure of the people's republic of korea were preserved in the north, and the Soviets allowed Korean self-rule. until the 90s, the south was led by right-wing US puppet military dictatorships. and it silences all anti-state, pro-north dissent w prison, or even execution
if korea was always unified, the DPRK wouldn't be the way it is. the isolated nature of its society is due to the fact that it must protect itself from imperialist attack. and until the 80s-90s, the north was wealthier than the south, which only through protest got "democracy"
3)the war is not over. the US continues to be aggressive towards the north, and there's no peace treaty. the nation continues to feel the pain of being divided. the US has wartime control over the south's military, and continues to dominate its politics-limiting its sovereignty.
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