Today, I finished my personal study of the book of Acts.

Each time I study it, I observe something peculiar which humbles me. This time it was the following;

1. The humanity and frailty of Apostle Paul.
2. How gracious Apostle Paul was in debates and conversations.
Of Apostle Paul's humanity, that I had seen and been humbled by before. One day I will speak and/or write on it.

However I had never truly noticed his graciousness in debates and conversations.

Here are a few examples.
Acts 17:22 - He compliments the Greeks before speaking.
Acts 22:1 - He calls the Jews family, before he explains why he disagrees with them.
Acts 24:10 - He compliments Governor Felix before making his defence.
Acts 26:12 - He compliments King Agrippa before he makes his defence.
There was a natural kindness and humility he embodied.

I love seeing people who don't agree with each other discuss matters in a calm and honorable manner. In less of a 'trying to win points' fashion and more of 'I don't agree with you, but I want to understand you' mentality.
I believe part of the evidence that you've had a fruitful debate or discussion with someone you don't agree with on any matter, is that you are able to articulate to a tee what exactly they believe and why they believe it, even if you still disagree.
Don't get me wrong. Apostle Paul was firm too. He made it clear that with certain people not only do you not debate with them, but you should avoid them as well (Romans 16:17).

But that's the point! If it's worth speaking about, do it right. Otherwise, leave it and avoid them.
Just something I think about sometimes, which I also thought about today.

Show graciousness in conversations and debates with people you don't agree with.

Otherwise, consider whether it is even worth having the conversation.
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