This is a weird ode to restaurants. Today I ordered a 'cook your own' meal from @HawksmoorLondon. It cost more than I should reasonably spend on a steak @ home but I will say that it also comes with beer, wine, a cook book, bone marrow, and other treats), but
I've been an avid fan of this restaurant since 2011. Hawksmoor needs to be celebrated for just how bloody good they are at making you feel like you deserve to be there, enjoying amazing food and wine.
I visited their Guildhall joint with a close friend in Dec 2011. We were young, close to broke, missing home at Christmas (NZ) and needed a treat. The food, it should go without saying, was exceptional. But what really nailed the experience was
...the service from our waiter ("oh you didn't order the creamed spinach? I brought it for you anyway, it's on me, you HAVE TO try it") and the follow up from co-founder Huw, who emailed me after our visit to see how we enjoyed our meal...
Huw noted my description of how brilliant the Manhattan cocktail was (I'd never had one before) and went to the effort of scanning the recipe from the Hawksmoor at Home cookbook for me. What a legend. Here's the email he sent me.
And so since 2011 and this encounter, I have visited Hawksmoor on every possible occasion (after my engagement for instance, and on multiple random Tuesdays just because). I've counted 30+ visits in 9 years. Thank you Hawksmoor, I miss you.
in the off chance that someone actually reads this and thinks I'm a dick for talking about steak with everything else going on, I just want to say #FTP, #BlackLivesMatter , @realDonaldTrump is an asshat and @sarahcpr is the bees. See? I'm woke.
And just to close the loop on this, happiness can come in a box... #HawksmoorAtHome
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