1/ Here is a scary and dangerously realistic scenario for how America breaks down and enters a new civil war within the next few election cycles. THREAD.
4/ That it’s happening along identity lines will be largely irrelevant; an equal outcome mandate will in practice be full blown communism (granted without the focus on certain modes of production), but with the conflict being between identity groups rather than class groups.
5/ This candidate wins a Democratic presidential primary (and similar candidates win lower office). As with Republicans who at first opposed Trump giving in for the general, those who opposed this candidate will still think he/she is better than the Republican and hop on board.
6/ This candidate wins and attempts to enforce that equality (communism by another name). Enforcing it will necessarily mean stripping people of their property and redistributing it, as has always happened under Communism. Communism will ALWAYS be violent:
7/ But this is America. Given our history and culture, we are always going to have a large portion of the population who will resist this. And that portion of the population is the same portion most likely to be armed.
8/ It will start with a lot of small scale acts of resistance. Think like the Bundy conflicts (linked), but this time given the increasing polarization of American politics, acts of resistance will have much greater popular support. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occupation_of_the_Malheur_National_Wildlife_Refuge
9/ A small handful of the people involved in these acts of resistance will be genuine racists (by the traditional definition) fighting for racism. Leftist politicians and media will highlight these examples as representative of the movement, despite that being false.
10/ Such media messaging will gain buy in for escalating force against resisters from the 49% of Democratic voters who aren’t perfectly aligned with the leadership. Atrocities will occur, and conservative media and social media will cover it closely, enraging half the population.
11/ Individual armed citizens can't stand up to government’s weaponry. But America’s political divide is heavily geographically segregated, police are more likely to be conservative, and police have been heavily armed with military grade equipment. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Militarization_of_police#United_States
12/ Conservative police departments in conservative communities will defect, deciding it's their moral duty to protect their citizen’s lives and property. From here, we are in full blown civil war, with federal force versus local force.
13/ Federal force will have an advantage, but asymmetric warfare will make it a struggle. At best that war ends quickly with heavily conservative areas successfully gaining territorial control and forming a new nation, though with many still trapped in entho-communist regions.
14/ At worst it’s a lasting and deadly conflict surpassing the ruins of the first Civil War (in which 2%+ of Americans died) and ethno-communism reigns, damaging our nation as communism did Soviet states and eventually dissolving after decades of failure and brutality.
15/ As scary as this all should sound, thankfully it's all hypothetical and there are countless ways this can be derailed from happening. Here are a handful of solutions you should be working towards to protect the life and liberty of the our people:
16/ 1. Defeat Critical Social Justice ideology before it can gain power. The Right cannot do this alone. The Left, especially as represented through elected officials, educational institutions, and the media, need to stand up and reject this to push it back into the fringes.
17/ The challenge to making this happen is it's not in the interest of elected Democrats to push back on so much of their base, and educational institutions and the media will either follow their lead or worse choose the base over such brave political leaders and destroy them.
18/ 2. Replace our first-past-the-post voting system with ranked choice voting. The big problem in this story is the 49% of moderate Democrats joining their new radical majority because they still hate Republicans more. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Instant-runoff_voting
19/ In a ranked choice system, a new party could arise to take those votes, and Critical Social Justice never gains the power needed. The challenge to happen is it’s in the interest of the two major parties to prevent competitors, and they have control over making this change.
20/ 3. Set the pieces in motion for a peaceful separation of the United States before a war makes it necessary. Local control with smaller population sizes mean government decisions closer to the will of the governed and less political anger.
21/ The issue with this solution is the topic of secession is still too closely connected to the first Civil War and slavery to be palatable. Also this libertarian instinct is missing from too many, who would rather continue to try to control the other half of our population.
22/ 4. Drastically expand gun ownership and training. If a future radical government realizes in advance the conflict that will arise if they try to restrict citizen’s rights, they’ll know better than to even try to begin with.
23/ As you can tell, I’m not particularly optimistic for the future. But for anyone who wonders why I care about Critical Social Justice ideology so much over other important issues of the day, this is why. This future IS avoidable, but only if we all work together to prevent it.
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