I would like to make something clear. Kyle did NOT force himself on CheshireKat. I was friends with both of them in the beginning of her stay with him. She was cheating on her bf in Texas and moved in with Kyle to be closer to her bf in Indiana. I spoke to both of them about it.
Kyle gave up his room in his home so Kat could have a place to stay. She chose to sleep in his bed with him and chose to sleep with him. She also would frequently go visit her bf in Indiana. Kat refused to pay rent. Also the room was soundproof but
Kat screams very loud when she’s streaming so it wasn’t blocked out. Kyles parents asked if she could keep it down. Kyle had also been paying her rent to his parents to cover for her. Kat stopped sleeping with him because she got mad when she was asked for the rent and be quiet
And also once her room was completely set up. She told him she had feelings for him and used sex to manipulate him but stopped when she didn’t need him anymore. When he started talking talking about what she was doing to their mutual friends she started with the lies
He told her living there wasn’t working out and she needed to find a place to stay and she had a month to figure it out. She went on twitch and slandered him and said she was kicked out immediately and now going to be homeless and raised thousands based on a lie.
He showed me many screenshots from the time and before her and I stopped talking she had talked to me about liking him and it being consensual, but she had a boyfriend in Indiana, which she lied to her community about. She moved in with him and was in no danger of being homeless
I’ll post “receipts” as I get them. This is beyond fucked up to lie about this just to get your piece of clout.
One of these is where she says she has romantic feelings for him and admits it before moving in. They weren’t just acquaintances like she implies.
I have multiple people messaging me from her community telling me they have similar stories with her feigning romantic interest in them to manipulate them for money and support. They are not my stories to tell but I applaud them if they are willing and able to come forward.
i have the full collection of messages showing her asking him to sleep with her and more or less having a relationship. All of her accusations are lies. https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/1Ygx04-tYAwLZW2mTTs01xKmKVC0qiz0X?usp=sharing_eip&ts=5ef3ad21&hl=en
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