cw; the legend of korra

okay i just found where to watch tlok so here we go
the intro starting w earth and not water is so weird to me
omg aang’s son is narrating?
oh it looks so modern
i- okay isn’t she a lil young to be able to use all the elements like that lmaoo
“i’m the avatar you gotta deal with it” adorable
oh my god is that katara
she’s so OLD
okay korra,,,, badass
what’s naga? like a polar bear dog?
i love that the animation style is pretty much the same as in atla i love it so much
oh my god fuck them kids so annoying lmaoooo 😭 “please help me”
omg they call katara gran gran đŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„ș are there new sky bison??? like wasn’t appa the last one?
“my brother and many of my friends are gone” SHUT UP nooo 😭
they got fuckin CARS now????
“we’ll take one of everything please” “i don’t have any money” lmaoo what did u think was gonna happen
my girl’s gonna get in trouble any time now lmao
the equalists might have a point doe
“i’m not opressing anyone. you’re opressing yourself” this mindset is a lil too familiar lmaoo
not the phonograph nooo 😭
“or else what hoodlum” periodt
the hell is a triple threat triad????
the police just showed up 😬😬😬 n e ways acab
they really arrested the avatar lmao
toph’s daughter omg
wkejsksjsk water tribe exit iconic
DON’T BRING MY MOTHER INTO THIS he clearly got her tempee huh
temper* lol
the kids are annoying but adorable
oooo evil guy makes an appearance?
the intro isn’t as iconic as the atla one, it’s too shortttt
okay so the technological advances are 1920’s ?
i was unsure of the whole 20’s aesthetic but i kinda like it
i love bolin
amon do be making some good points doe
oh so he’s using energy bending to take people’s bending???
okay i forgot i was doing@this thread lmao
i feel bad for asami :( mako doesn’t deserve her tbh don’t kill me for saying that đŸ„ș
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