#ItsOkayNotToBeOkay #OTThings Why did Moon Sang Tae react this way when his hair was touched?

Adults/Kids who are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder may experience Sensory Modulation Disorders. Sang Tae over here was experiencing over-responsivity, to be specific. +
Adults/Kids who are sensory over-responsive may be avoidant of sensations that are usually tolerable. Sang Tae presented tactile defensiveness - he displayed an aversive, out-of-proportion reaction to tactile stimuli that most people find as non-painful. +
He may have been surprised by the sudden hair-touching. Other signs of tactile defensiveness include: avoiding messy textures, wanting clothing tags to be removed from their shirts, avoiding certain food - it varies from one person to another. +
Now what are some things we can do for adults/kids who are tactile defensive?
1. Inform the person prior to touching them.
2. Use firm and constant pressure rather than light touch.
3. Avoid tickling the child/adult. +
Sensory integration is a complex topic but I wanted to share a few things to those who were wondering. This is related to what I do and I hope you'll learn a thing or two from reading this thread!

#ItsOkayNotToBeOkay #OTThings
I realized the hashtag was wrong!! OMG HAHA #ItsOkayToNotBeOkay
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