When I read that the US Attorney on the Epstein case said he was told to back off because Epstein “belonged to intelligence”, I remember thinking, “What kind of man wouldn’t resign or go to the press if he was told to lay off a mass pedophile because he was affiliated w/the IC?”
I remembered the Dutroux Affair in Belgium. The trial judge of a child rapist/murderer said many European elites were on tape participating. He was removed from the case. Seven investigators w/ties to the killer were arrested for manipulating evidence. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marc_Dutroux
The lead officer on the Dutroux case, universally recognized as having made unexplainable “mistakes” that led directly to the deaths of two victims and corruption of the crime scene, was promoted to Commissioner. Over 20 witnesses have died mysteriously.
I remembered Jimmy Saville being protected at the highest levels of UK society for decades while it was an open secret in elite circles he had sexually abused over 500 children. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/jimmy-savile/12172773/Jimmy-Savile-sex-abuse-report-to-be-published-live.html
I remembered the defense mounted on behalf of ‘68 radical icon and German Green Party MP Daniel Cohn-Bendit when he bragged in print about molesting 5-year-olds during his post-60s career running an “anti-authoritarian” kindergarten. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2001/jan/28/kateconnolly.theobserver
And then I saw the recent articles exposing Berlin authorities for purposely placing homeless children with known pedophiles for “academic research.” Really. Read it. https://amp.dw.com/en/germany-allowed-pedophiles-to-foster-children/a-53839291
I thought of how Alex Jones, after a career of saying outlandish shit, was handed a still-unprecedented coordinated ban after he started to discuss elite pedophile rings. The official reason was Sandy Hook denial, but he’d recanted that years before.
I thought of how, whatever one thought of the extremes of #PizzaGate, it’s a fact that Tony Podesta had pedophilic art all over his house, and that elites are attending twisted “art” parties, and a full media red-alert went into effect to declare questions beyond the pale.
Of course we remember Spirit Cooking. Look, you’re into whatever you’re into, but don’t tell me it’s being the pale to ask public officials WTF they’re doing at events like this.
“Darryl, are you saying that you believe...”

Yes, probably. For 99% of the population, a sex act with a child is sufficient cause to bury someone under the prison. So how can do many of these people get by in high positions for so long? The Church’s problems provide insight.
When 98% of society wants you dead, you stick together to survive. You have secret handshakes and code words. You look out for each other. You find your way into positions of power in order to protect yourselves. You stick together because you’re bound by the ultimate blackmail.
Someone else give me a better explanation for why we keep uncovering elite circles engaging in what is universally viewed in our society as the most unacceptable of all behaviors. I don’t think we’ve scratched the surface.
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