Ah yes, our government, protecting safe spaces for women...

...Some women, that is.


#TransRights #TransWomenareWomen
Now, I'm a trans man. I pass very well as male to those who haven't heard me speak. I don't usually spend my time in the bathroom talking to anyone, strangely enough, so when I used to go to the ladies', I would understandably get some very frightened looks.

Because I'm a man.
I'm too scared myself to go to the men's bathroom because a large transphobic cis man would plaster the walls with me.
Nowadays, I use disabled bathrooms - something I have wanted to do for years because of my autism (sensory overload's a bitch), but avoided doing because of stigmas against high-functioning autistic people.
Well, now I'm more scared of transphobes than people who don't think my disability is valid. Hurrah.

Anyway, I tell this story because I've spotted a bit of an odd double-standard in this Tory policy - strange, I know...
Why is it that they're so afraid of trans women who haven't been through a hugely degrading process to get their fundamental identity "certified", while there's no mention of me?

Where am I supposed to go, government?
Because I'm legally speaking female, imagining I didn't use the disabled loos, I have two options.

A) Go into the men's room, putting myself, a female, at risk.
B) Go into the women's room, making other females uncomfortable.

Hated typing that.
Is it that women's loos are for cis women and certain approved trans women only, while men's loos are for "everyone else"?

Is it more likely that a predatory man would go out of his way to dress up and act as a trans lady, or a bathroom cleaner?
What the FUCK are non-binary people supposed to do?

Trans women are women.
Trans men are men.
Non-binary people are non-binary.

Stop invalidating people while they're just trying to take a piss.
And if a predatory cis man is breaking a rule meant to protect trans women, blame and punish HIM. You blithering idiots.

I've had enough cis nonsense for a lifetime without this crap.
What do people think trans people look like, anyway? Are comfortable bathrooms only for those of us who pass well enough not to be singled out?

Jesus Christ.

Also "we took a survey but we didn't like the result so we're ignoring it" doesn't sound democratic to me.
I'm positively dreading my transition.

Socially, it's already like pulling teeth.

Medically, it's going to be painful, exhausting, and expensive.

Legally, it's going to be convoluted, degrading, taxing, and expensive.

If you're a cis person not speaking up about and fighting for trans rights, you're a part of the problem.

Thank you for reading this thread, by doing so you've made a grumpy transman a bit happier.
Closing notes:

- Trans women are women
- Trans men are men
- Non-binary people are non-binary
- Black Lives Matter
- Breonna Taylor's murderers must be arrested
- Immigration enriches cultures
- Wearing a face mask is the most basic form of decency and everyone must do so
Oh, and one more thing.

Who's protecting trans women?

It's almost like the government doesn't care.
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