for those who don’t speak chinese or bilibili isn’t allowed in your countries
they forgot to book a flight ticket from norway to vienna
eddy almost caused another tchaik drop-style promise at brett
so much food and slurping bubble tea (bREtt)
they would eat chinese food if there’s only one cuisine they would eat for the rest of their lives
they want to learn the pipa if they have a chance in china again
i eventually couldn’t catch up with brett trying to read the questions because he kept skipping words man is this how my reading comprehension teacher felt when i was young
if a piece is too easy or too hard there’s no motivation to practice, a piece that’s like 20% difficult is a good bandwidth
q: do you want your child to be a musician or doctor?
by: who said i wanted a child?
(it was a joke)
(on their nicknames as 🐑 and 🍊— their surnames yang and chen)
ec: if a mandarin (🍊) drinks too much bubble tea, it’ll become...
by: poofy
q: the most impressionable moment of their friendship?
by: when eddy was on a wheelchair...
ec: don’t say such boring stuff!!

ec: brett.... no impression(able moments).
by: ok
q: plans for new merch?
ec: we want to let musicians to express the things/art that they love. there’s a lot of sportswear...
by: so we wanted to create musician wear

(plug: they added aliphatic on their website)
q: when do you guys want to get married?
ec: they asked when they got married, do they want their surnames to be yang or chen

q: brett’s influence on eddy’s decision to study music
by: i think eddy already intended to study music
ec: if it’s influence, i would say it’s my sister. she’s 5 years older than me, and when we were young i respected her. even now (i still respect her).
q: what do you want to do when you become older?
ec: continue to play the violin
by: continue to create things, continue to make clothes (merch)
ec: but we can’t drink bbt as much...
by: eat hotpot
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