i have a high level of adhd. and i mean HIGH. i was diagnosed with adhd in fourth grade when i was 9.
a lot of people undermine adhd and think it's not a big deal. it is, for some of us. our brains function completely differently. hence why we are neurodivergent. +
we can be seen as slow or dumb or annoying because of our adhd.
we can't control it when we get hyper and loud. i get like that around my friends, and afterwards i realize how stupid i must've looked and how annoying i must be. over the years i've noticed that and +
i've coped with it by being completely silent around people i'm not close friends with. i sit by myself in classes without them and i talk maybe once a month.
also with adhd, there's issues focusing. on days without my meds, there's absolutely no hope for me being productive whatsoever. i will get sidetracked by everything. i will not be able to focus on one thing.
with adhd we can get extremely unmotivated and disorganized and forgetful. it sucks because it's seen as laziness and stupidity. i've always been 'lazy' and 'messy' but if you're friends with me, you'll know that this part is really accentuated recently.
our emotions are strong. we get super sensitive. yet again, if you notice, the second someone says something negative about me, ESPECIALLY when they tag me in it, i start having a panic attack and i start getting super emotional. about a month ago i had a bunch of people +
yelling at me for saying i would unfollow if they didn't unfollow another person in 48 hours. they were in my dms, mentions, cc. also at the time, my misophonia was being triggered AND my mom needed me to set the table for dinner. it was so much and it was overwhelming. +
so i lashed out really hard on twitter. i got SUPER mad. i threw my phone on my bed and screamed into my pillow and cried. because it was overwhelming and because i feel emotions so strongly.
i'm going to add a little bit about misophonia into this because it is a common thing amongst people with adhd as well as people with anxiety (i have both)

misophonia is an auditory issue where specific sounds can trigger you and make your emotions go crazy. it can make +
you mad, it can make you cry, it can make you have a panic attack, all of which have happened to me. sometimes it's sounds like my neighbor constantly blaring his bass boosted music, sometimes it's literally the sound of someone breathing.
anyways if you read this thread, thank you. i hope it helps you understand more about me
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