huge fan of threads countering racism and homogenizing of countries like japan with a racist gif that depicts ignorant people wtf
well, i might as well subtweet about things i also don’t like in that thread
for example, history textbooks
there was once a time where textbooks were indeed critical of japan and this was when marxists and other leftists controlled japanese universities
many reactionaries were pissed by their depiction of the meiji revolution as something bad so they took control and doubled down on so many things
with the help of historical denialist writers, politicians and textbook writers reduced war crimes and amplified nationalism
some of these efforts were countered by lawsuits (read up this cool dude:ō_Ienaga) but many of the changes remain on textbooks and museums
the history of how people write history in japan is more complicated than mere submission to nationalism as that thread says
another thing worth pointing out is this bizarre narrative that “japan doesn’t like change”
this thread comes from intentions to depict japan truthfully but this is the same bs peddled by conservatives
anyone who reads about the history of dissent in japan should know this is BS
change in any country is going to be painfully slow but it will be remiss to claim japan hasn’t “changed” in its politics
nowadays we’re looking at people approving of lgbtq people and there are queer people in the japanese diet
more needs to be done but people want change
other points like mental health/メンヘラ are valid but let’s not forget the world is ableist
many countries in the global north (usa and uk esp) have defunded services and redirected them to institutions like police
the police is supposed to help disabled people to the hospital
instead of securing a safe passage for someone who needs these services, the police would incapacitate them with tear gas and chokeholds
there are many points from that thread that can apply to other countries but it is framed as something essential to japan
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