Penat jgk baca mcm2 cerita and sides psal sexual harassment ni. From what I read, I nilai it this way:
When a harassment happened, you can’t just sit around and do nothing. Make police reports, tell ur employers, tell ur close friends/co-workers, and especially ur family!!
You need to protect yourself first when it comes to things like this, so be cautious is important. Limit yourself from suspicious people, especially guys you just met who seem to be ‘off’ with their perangai.
Being yourself is normal, trying to fit in with your bright personality is good. But remind yourself to be cautious with your social life. X semua org baik.
Pasal jaga aurat tu pown penting jgk, and people who advised you this doesn’t mean that they are on the harasser’s side. They are just reminding you about it. Nonetheless, the harasser is to blame for making it happen.
If you are a friend or a family member of the victim, do not blame them for being harassed. Try to support them mentally and emotionally, try to imagine being in their shoes. No matter what their personality or what perception you have about them, no need to memandai-
mandai and tell them what shouldn’t have happened. Just try to support them and help them on what to do instead, that way mindset dia focused on solving the problem and avoiding the almost similar situation. If you blame her for whatever reason is, dia akan rasa down-
And akan salah kn org lain, especially you if you did that to her.
By all means, when bad things happened to you; kite semua kene berbalik pada Allah jgk. Plg penting, mintak perlindungan Dia dulu. Doakn supaya benda2 yg x elok mcm ni x berlaku to you.
Kita sesama manusia pown, try to give compassion towards people who were victimised and people who give you advises/trying to protect you. Nilai the problem and situation first, choose your words wisely. The focus is on the matter happened and the person who did the crime.
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