Yeshua & Mythology
by David Talbott
Updated: 03/28/2020

Someone said: Perhaps this question will seem far afield from the “thunderbolts of the gods.” But what do you think of the Mel Gibson film, “The Passion of the Christ?”.
Actually, most of the intelligent questions one can ask are connected to our subject, though the connection may not be obvious.
I’ve seen the film & found it engaging, though the “controversy” manufactured by the media is a meaningless distraction. The story of Yeshua is powerful. It deserves to be told through all of the skills of the filmmaker today.
My friend Michael Armstrong, who has no shortage of opinions on the life of Yeshua, suggests that the greatest suffering of Yeshua came not from physical torture, but from his despair over the failure of those around him to hear the message.
Two thousand years later, the simplest & most elementary teachings of Yeshua are still buried under heaps of cultural conditioning & self-serving “theological” debate. Most of the discussion is divisive & destructive.
For years I’ve been urging that human beings give attention to the mythological roots of the early religions. Our own religious heritage began with pure mythology, & world mythology originated in earthshaking catastrophe.
If we will recognize what caused human imagination to run wild, & allowed mythology to take hold of human consciousness, it could change the future of mankind.
To recognize a myth in ritual or doctrinal dress—& to let it go—is transformational. To hold onto any myth as the word of God is immensely destructive & can only feed conflict & war.
The problem is that no one has any trouble seeing the divisive & oppressive influence of mythology on other folks’ religious claims. But far too many insist that they hold the complete & undefiled answer, delivered in the king’s English & directly from God.
Humans around the world have a terrible propensity in this direction.
I continue to be amazed at how free the most elementary teachings of Yeshua are from the inertia of mythology & human ignorance in his own time.
The world into which Yeshua was born was immersed in myth, ritual, magic, & superstition. It was a world of judgment, guilt, & vengeance. He answered this cultural burden with something else. He saw the innocent truth of life in every human being.
Where tradition called for retaliation, he called for forgiveness. Not once did he countenance the idea of a vengeful “father” in the sky eager to destroy a person, a culture, or a “sinful” world—though that was the inherited idea, one that is still prevalent today.
It is a profound contradiction to celebrate the spirit of Yeshua’ teachings while holding on to the residue of the ancient myth-making epoch as if our lives & well being depended on it.
The universal message of Yeshua releases us from the burden of ancient imagination & illusion. It answers the fear, guilt, & rage that arose in the wake of terrifying cosmic events, when humans saw the “hand of God” destroying the world.
That’s what a large part of Thunderbolts of the Gods is about—the events that unleashed human imagination & set in motion the dominant motives within the ancient cultures.
Thousands of years later, nothing is more important to humanity than the courage to see clearly, to recognize how the darker aspects of the world cultures took form. The fear-driven torture & crucifixion of Yeshua will always stand as a symbol of that tendency.
Thunderbolts Of The Gods
by David Talbott & Wal Thornhill

The authors of this book have each spent more than thirty years investigating the ancient message, & this has led us to question a pillar of theoretical science today—the "uneventful solar system."
Following quite different research paths, we arrived at the same conclusion: the ancient sky was alive with activity.
The evidence suggests that only a few thousand years ago planets moved close to the earth, producing electrical phenomena of intense beauty & terror.
Ancient sky worshippers witnessed these celestial wonders & far-flung cultures recorded the events in the great myths, symbols & ritual practices of antiquity. A costly misunderstanding of planetary history must now be corrected.
The misunderstanding arose from fundamental errors within the field of cosmology, the "queen" of the theoretical sciences. Mainstream cosmologists, whether trained as physicists, mathematicians or astronomers, consider gravity to be the controlling force in the heavens.
The misunderstanding arose from fundamental errors within the field of cosmology, the "queen" of the theoretical sciences. Mainstream cosmologists, whether trained as physicists, mathematicians or astronomers, consider gravity to be the controlling force in the heavens.
From this assumption arose the doctrine of eons-long solar system stability—the belief that under the rule of gravity the nine planets have moved on their present courses since the birth of the solar system.
Seen from this vantage point, the ancient fear of the planets can only appear ludicrous. We challenge this modern belief.
We contend that humans once saw planets suspended as huge spheres in the heavens. Immersed in the charged particles of a dense plasma, celestial bodies "spoke" electrically & plasma discharge produced heaven-spanning formations above the terrestrial witnesses.
In the imagination of the ancient myth-makers, the planets were alive: they were the gods, the ruling powers of the sky—awe inspiring, often capricious & at times wildly destructive.
Cosmic lightning evolved violently from one discharge configuration to another, following patterns observed in high-energy plasma experiments & only recently revealed in deep space as well.
Around the world, our ancestors remembered these discharge configurations in apocalyptic terms. They called them the "thunder-bolts of the gods."

End of thread.
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