Earlier this month I accepted my first role as a Software Developer!
I've been working towards this for over a year...learning, freelancing, interviewing, etc and I couldn't have done it without the resources and help from some AMAZING people. #100DaysOfCode #webdev
First off...
a big big big THANK YOU to  @ossia for creating @freeCodeCamp It's unfathomable that all that invaluable content is provided for FREE. And the community, too?? Wow.
@DThompsonDev thank you for your relentless inspiration and inviting me onto your GDG Memphis group zoom call where
I was introduced to @kentcdodds and his amazing React course which helped me immensely. You rock Kent!

Thank you @RandallKanna for reviewing my resume and giving me pointers in a video (what?!?) So awesome! (I didn't know what "soft skills" meant until you brought it up in my
resume review.) I came from the sales world so we just called soft skills people skills😆

Thank you @catalinmpit for making software development more relatable and humorous.

Thank you @jsjoeio for doing an interview on some podcast telling your story. It helped me out a lot.
Thank you @WellPaidGeek for practical coding advice and your humor.

Thank you @ThePracticalDev and @CodeNewbies  for encouragement and the community.

You all made it a lot easier for me to obtain my goal. THANK YOU a million times for what you do! It matters.
You can follow @preston8289.
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