I’ve had somebody that was in my circle do and say some horrible things and try to blindly justify them so obviously it makes sense that I cut them off completely.
At this point I’m really frustrated cause it seems like I’m the only person in my group that has had that reaction. Like you’re blatantly aware of what they’ve done and how they attempted to just shrug it off. And your still cool with them? You’re still talking to them?
I had somebody blatantly say to me “ya know at least I know I can say all of my friends aren’t creepy except for ____” and that’s fine with you? To KNOW you have somebody in your group that’s problematic and you let them stick around?
For a second I thought I was overreacting but I know what should and shouldn’t be tolerable and I’m gonna start being a lot louder to the people that pretend to be against something when their actions show otherwise.
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