I hope everyone was able to #vote in the #NYPrimary! It was both exhilarating+bittersweet seeing my name right next to @ewarren as a delegate nominee to the Nat. Convention. Still yet, it's the 1st time my name was on a NY ballot and it made me thirsy for more! #QPOCComingThrough
Seriously, folks, we all protest in the ways we can. Sadly, my health makes me a liability. So, I offer my services as a Psychotherapist and energy work practitioner at no cost to everyone protesting and/or involved in social justice. And also running for every office available!
We can all protest! We are all in this for the necessary change that needs to happen NOW. We have a traction re: #BLM that we previously haven't had. Let's keep the fire going! #AsiansForBLM #NativeAmericanForBLM We're in this fight too.
You can follow @ImWithWarren.
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