a few things that i think is good to point out that i’ve seen on my tl in the past 24 hours:

- no one really actually ships phan anymore
- we all just accept that they’re soulmates and all that (Dan said so himself)
- they are literally so supportive of all fanart and
fanfiction. there are MANY references in both of their videos to the fanfiction and fanart within their fandom, and they say that they appreciate it. if they had a problem with it, we know they would tell us
- attacking people for being a fan, saying that we’re the most annoying
fandom is NOT okay. maybe back in, idk, let’s say 2016, we should’ve reassessed ourselves, but we’ve changed
- we respect and aim to protect the personal lives of dan and phil from other people who decide they want to find out personal and intimate information about them
-if you’re gonna repost an artist’s work, please at least tag them, they worked hard on it

i’m gonna keep adding to this thread as i find more but this is off the top of my head
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