You know, it's been a while since I just totally lost my shit on Twitter. Dear people organizing webinars, conferences, and other events: no, I will not hand you the names and contact info of BIPOC in my network to do your work for free.
1, pay them. 2, shall I quote from emails when in the past I've suggested folks? Too young, too niche, too outspoken (I have not forgotten the notes I've gotten about speakers being too opinionated. I never get that note about me or white panelists). What's changed? Oh riiiight.
3, I don't actually fucking care that 'no one' gets paid to make your content. Actually, oftentimes, they do: they're high enough up in their org that org underwrites the time it takes to be on your boards or committees & travel costs in the past. YOU just aren't footing the bill
But when you suddenly are open to having not-the-usual-suspects in your talks, conferences, and sessions, you are asking people who may not have institutional support to do work for you. For free. FOR. FREE. Free does not pay the rent or shitty healthcare insurance premiums.
4. You're asking people to do the work, for free, to teach others why they deserve to be treated equitably. You are asking people to defend, for free, their right to exist, be paid equitably, not just be in the room where it happens but be at the table and be heard. For free.
So no. I am not just handing over people's contact info to you so you can feel better about yourselves and your *meaningful steps*. I will talk to folks and see if they are interested in entertaining your PATENTLY OFFENSIVE offer of being the token BIPOC. For free.
If they indicate interest, then and only then will I give THEM your contact info so they may reach out if so inclined. You've refused for years, even decades, and now you're hot to dance? This dance is no longer on your terms. Get used to it.
In conclusion: if you can pay for ample coffee breaks at your conferences, you can PAY. YOUR. SPEAKERS. Don't like this impediment to your progress in being woke? I am not sacrificing my friends, colleagues, & mentees' mental health & well being so you feel good about yourselves.
B/c I don't trust y'all to treat them with respect, to not ask them to relive their pain for the edification of white folks, & to not keep tapping them as your one BIPOC friend so you can point to yourselves & say 'we're not racist'. Cause you haven't done it right in the past.
You can follow @chicagowench.
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