Let’s talk about how we’re all, mostly indirectly, fatphobic.
So for one let me actually acknowledge the obvious fatphobic ppl and how ppl still try to use fat jokes etc. as insults in a society that is more accepting of fat ppl and being fat more than ever....
The reason why I say we’re all fatphobic is because of societal pressures we still see in the media. From plastic surgery, to excessive workout culture, and pre-existing beauty standards. Which all are not bad things btw
There’s nothing wrong with working out! We all should be for our long-term health but the excessive diet plans, workouts etc is really over kill. It’s really as simple as setting a goal, reaching it, and maintaining it. As well as finding out what works FOR YOU!
When we bring in all these different trendy dieting & workout plans etc. it really trips you up & can set you back! A lot of ppl still don’t know their body type, which it vital to becoming fit.. not skinny, thicke, toned etc. F I T! It’s not catergorized into one shape
I can really make a whole thread about how even medical doctors still can’t even acknowledge endomorphs (the “fat” body type) as actual body types w/o calling it “unhealthy” like ppl aren’t born being fat but I digress..
and with the topic of plastic surgery I honestly think it’s great! Especially for those that have tried everything but simply can’t obtain that one (or more) body goal and need assistance. I honestly think that’s the purpose of plastic surgery but pop culture has changed that
There’s more ppl getting plastic surgery done from media perceptions and wrongful personal perceptions of themselves but that’s an aisle I won’t go down on cause we all have our own experiences with body dysmorphia.
The way media of all outlets really heightens and markets the hell out of our insecurities is quit demonic... the beauty standard is only going to keep being what it is now until we actually make a change! Now more than ever is a great time to do it
There’s so many fat women i see on here and other social media platforms that are so beautiful in their bodies! Those who are accepting of their bodies and aren’t. And I honestly wouldn’t want it any other way for them
But I honestly understand why y’all are still not FULLY comfortable in your bodies b/c there’s still a large part of society that still isn’t accepting of fat ppl and being fat! Y’all do not get represented the way y’all should and when y’all do it’s still in a cookie cutter form
Real fat ppl have ROLLS, STRETCHMARKS, DISCOLORATION! I don’t want to see your hourglass, overly photoshopped version of what a fat person looks like... till then keep your fake inclusive versions.
Anyways y’all I’m not going to make this thread too long. Check your own internalized fatphobia when you look at yourself in the mirror... you don’t know when you’re indirectly projecting.
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