leftists like to feel special by trying to convince anti-racists they're actually racist. see, if all you like to do is "fight racism" but there's not enough racists to do that you've got to create them out of thin air. This is why they keep moving goalposts for "ally" status
Example: from MLK's dream speech until maybe Trump 2016 started you used to be able to say "I don't see skin color" and it was a warm, unifying notion. Past 5 years or so "judging by character and not skin color" is now like a nazi dogwhistle or something
come back to this thread in several years when #blacklivesmatter is considered racist to the left and you've got to say #onlyblacklivesmatter or something to pass muster. there's probably no ceiling to the lack of rationale to this. this is why I say i'm an ally on my terms only.
and the irony that the most vocal self-professed "anti-racists" are mostly marxists whose every idea involves the state running everything is nuts, seeing as institutional racism is contained entirely within police, schools, prisons, and other state agencies
given that last point I will always claim an honest anti-racist high road since anarchy decentralizes power to the point you can actually hold racists accountable in real time. marxists will only accelerate racism whilst they claim to fight it.
Marxism is a hivemind mentality and the hivemind behavior around COVID should prove that those who operate in a hivemind are not fully cognitively functional. assaulting maskless people, gaslighting anti-racists as racists...same hivemind bullshit game
so to defeat the marxist/COVID hiveminds it's clear the minority subset in need of most support in this time is


the individual
as one sees often on twitter the polemics loaded with the most disinformation & gaslighting (on the authoritarian left and right) are the ones with millions of likes and countless comments repeating the same exact rote point again and again.
unfortunately if you go in these threads and dare to question the hivemind, the NPCS in said hive will take glee in "ratioing" you as if a comment is a downvote on yours. this blows their cover, because if a hivemind repeats itself and the comments all express the same thing...
they indeed possess that space as such even though the intent of a comment section is to have discourse, not to create de facto downvotes where twitter doesn't explicitly have them. twitter's algorithms therefore reward hiveminders and punish free thought
I saw this today in micro form. when hiveminders don't have the numbers in the thread but they still maintain hive narratives, when you call them out for it they transactionally ignore your points of agreement and belabor your less instantly supportive ones as hateful
so in the hivemind cultivation structure of twitter, the true individual is "ratioed" and those who repeat the hive narrative get to go "viral". but what's more important, sticking out one's neck for original thought for 2 likes, or...
repeating the mass-media originated lies in order to be one of 500k+ NPCs to like something that's ostensibly been posted hundreds of times before? a social media xerox stuck on overdrive, all meant to convince people if you don't vote for the ruling authoritarian party (D&R)
you're then automatically "wasting your vote" because democracy teaches us the only ideas that get implemented are ones held by the majority. but as I just established, one person in a hivemind of millions has thoughts that are of less merit than one who stands alone.
the term "marketplace of ideas" was coined because you're supposed to have infinite opinons to address any one issue. U.S. politics is set up to only entertain two opinons at a time, and sadly twitter is set up to mostly entertain one opinion at a time...
and herd millions of people under the umbrella of that one opinion with the absolutely evil and manipulative "trending" page. click "trending" and it's all "if you X than you must be Y", conveniently with the most massively supported hive opinions listed first.
if you've ever wondered why suicide and depression are so widespread, just look at "trending" and see how many millions of people think you're evil for doing or thinking something that's not exactly what they think. this mechanism does exactly what Marx would have wanted to do...
seeing as every one of his philosophies hinges on herding people into two "classes" and pitting them against each other with the predetermined outcome that the "proles" must be the winners. but if the winner has already been chosen in the marxist mind, what use is discourse?
the marxist language of so-called "equality" is meant to destroy individualism, redistributing the assets of the successful individual and spreading them meagerly amongst those who have never tried to earn a thing they have. they're not just seeking equality under law...
they want equal outcomes enforced with no regard for the free will of the individual. no wonder twitter's value system, where only those who comprise marx's "prole masses" get viral attention, makes this platform so immediately attractive to marxists.
in conclusion, try to take stock of what you have in life that is a direct consequence of something only you could have done. ask yourself that if marxists truly had their way, would you still have that asset that you cherish as yours and only yours? or would it be swindled away?
that's the megathread on race baiting, hiveminds, Marx's abuse of the individual, and twitter's complicity in accelerating authoritarian violence. thanks if you read it! i owe others no more than what they owe me, which is essentially nothing. you also owe the hivemind nothing.
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