TL's getting too normal. here's a thread of stuff i've learned so far about why i don't trust the justice system:
read this thread on how cops literally get away with murder. google the words prosecutorial discretion & qualified immunity.
if you're thinking that's ridiculous & "that can't happen that often," here's a statistic you should see:
cops literally do not face justice for murder. ever. if they get fired, they just get rehired with another department.
here's a good thread on how the police fail domestic violence victims. domestic abusers never face justice, even when the evidence is clear. check the replies for more firsthand accounts of this.
read this whole thread about how cops let rapists get away. check the replies for more examples.
watch 13th on netflix. it provides a basic history on racial bias in the prison system & its roots in slavery: a loophole in the 13th amendment. it explains how nixon, reagan, & bill clinton brought on mass incarceration & how it, by design, disproportionately affects minorities.
google "no humans involved."

police have a long, bloody history of abusing, humiliating, & disregarding the most vulnerable members of society. remember that most of these people are black, indigenous, people of color.
google forced confessions. understand how & why they happen, & how often they happen. watch the innocence files. watch the confession tapes. this is not an uncommon experience. key evidence is constantly ignored in favor of a cop's "hunch."
want an example? the west memphis 3 is a well-known case of mishandled & misapplied justice based on satanic panic, resulting in 3 innocent men spending 20 years in SOLITARY. google it for more info, watch the "paradise lost" trilogy, or watch "west of memphis."
the FBI assassinated fred hampton at 21, lied about it, and got away with it for decades. no one served time for his murder. local cops shoot up his gravestone as a pastime.
the case of adrian schoolcraft--or, what happens to good cops:
I have nothing to add to this. Just watch.
the documentary "tales of the grim sleeper" details the murders of lonnie franklin, who targeted black sex workers starting in 1985. an eye witness sketch & other valuable info that would've helped the investigation were kept from the (primarily black, poor) community until 2009.
kendrick johnson was a black teenager who was found dead upside-down in a rolled-up wrestling mat. the first coroner ruled positional asphyxiation; two others reported signs of head trauma. organs taken for the autopsy were never returned. his death was ruled accidental.
tiffany taylor survived an attack by serial killer khalil wheeler-weaver and immediately called the police, who accused her of lying & humiliated her despite evidence. because of this, wheeler-weaver was able to claim another victim, sarah butler. they were all black sex workers.
mitrice richardson was arrested during a manic episode and, against pleas from her mother, was released at midnight into the wilderness with no car, money, or phone. when her body was discovered a year later, it was removed w/o processing the crime scene.
look up the central park 5. 5 black teens were convicted for a brutal rape they didn't commit based *solely* on their forced confessions. they spent 7-13 years in jail until an actual confession from the east side rapist cleared their names.
i can guarantee you that any clothes you buy that say "made in the USA" were made by prisoners for $1/hr or less. next time you're looking for a job, remember that companies like JC Penney maximize profits by giving those jobs to prisoners & paying them slave wages.
so, to summarize: rapists & domestic abusers walk free; innocent people get locked up all the time; cops can get away with anything; the law doesn't give a fuck about poor black people; the prison system is racially biased & corrupt; homeless, prisoners, & convicts can't vote.
this is by no means a masterlist of every injustice. like, this is just stuff i've learned through twitter, a few documentaries, & a deep dive into true crime. you will find so much more if you just look & stop blindly believing the justice system will "run its course."
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