In the Trumpian view of the world, restrictions on immigration are good because capitalism is a zero sum game.

very smart people like @profzeke have shown us why this is wrong...
And other VSPs (very smart peoples) like @william_r_kerr

(I mean, this guy literally wrote a book about this: )
More VSPs:

And this brilliant scholar @PMoserEcon sums it up as "madness".
Capitalism works through incentives to innovate. That's why patent law is enshrined in the US constitution. Ben Franklin got that. (Who was such a great American, that they have a museum for him in the U.K., where he was a foreigner ).
To understand that wealth comes from innovation, do this:

Look around you, notice anything that uses electricity, and recognize that without capitalism and innovation, you would not have that.

Here is a very smart electricity immigrant:
A picture is worth a thousand words...
Innovation doesn't appear out of thin air.

It's all about the people.

You need the *very* smartest people.

We are not getting the very smartest people.

Not from outside our borders.

And we've been literally killing them within because of the color of their skin.
Trumpism is focused on eating a larger share of pie...

Instead of making a bigger pie.

So here is what I have to tell the rest of the world:

You are welcome for all the pie you're going to get.

Eat it more gracefully that we have.
Turns out immigrants have been net job creators.
Keeping my list going.
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