1 like = 1 city of small magic

Visuals: a swirling multicoloured vortex of a sky, fleets of hot air balloon, clusters of clouds in conversation, stars that sing gentle lullabies late at night (1/3)
The Vessel lives in the part of town that floats high up in mid-air, tethered to the rest of the City by a single silver thread
The Child lives in the part of town standing in the Skysquid’s mighty shadow
The Artist lives in the part of town where gravity falls upside down

Three reasons people in Skytown are worried:
- Not enough floating lights in the night sky
- Birds keep on stealing umbrellas
- It just keeps on raining

Visuals: Shrines to small and forgotten gods, Museums dedicated to futures that never were & pasts that will never be, Used bookstores laid out like labyrinths, Flocks of mechanical birds made out of silver and gold, with little gems for eyes

The Artist and Trickster live in the part of town that looks like an MC Eshcer drawing.
The Last Hope and Reporter live in the part of town populated mostly by badgers dressed in waistcoats, monocles, tophats and frocktails

Three reasons people in Chesterbrook are worried:
- It’s been Thursday for a couple of months
- There’s visitors that carry silver briefcases and whisper to you from inside your own mind
- People aren't as nice as they used to be

CITY 3: The Other Melbourne

Visuals: trendy little cafes opening up everywhere, clothes made out of chip and lolly packets, ever-present fog with a mind of its own, great truths of the universe scrawled upon lonesome walls of concrete

The Artist lives in the part that's ruled over by the Neon Goddess
The Trickster lives in the part that is stuck several centuries in the past
The Last Hope lives in the part where it’s always late afternoon

People in The Other Melbourne are worried because the Queen of Buzzing Insects is dying, people have started aging backwards, and there's rumours that the Internet is coming back

CITY 4: New Bugtown

Visuals: Children riding around on giant beetles, beehives the height of skyscrapers, preparations for the City-wide Games, statues of men with pointy hats and swords running around the streets

The Last Hope lives in the part of town where all the dead people live.

The Child lives in the part of town that’s a giant lake with brightly coloured boats on the water instead of buildings

The Reporter lives in the part of town built upon the palace of the Gilded King.

People in New Bugtown are worried because the streetlamps are fighting each other, crabs have figured out how to use knives and memories are going missing and showing up again in the wrong people’s heads


Visuals: obelisks inscribed with promises, secrets and regrets provided by anonymous citizens / murals of children’s visions of the future / beautiful trees instead of drab headstones.

The Artist lives in the part of town with hollowed-out trees instead of buildings
The Trickster and Reporter live in the part of town filled with tourists from Venus and Mars.

People in the City On The Other Side Of The Sky are worried because there's not enough floating lights in the sky and people aren't as nice as they used to be.

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