One major publisher having open submissions isn't a good reason to decide not to get an agent. There are many agents of colour and agents extremely open to work by writers of all backgrounds and identities out there. And they will be your advocate, and on your side
An agent can take your work to many publishers at the same time, create excitement, and get you closer to the career and publication you want, and even boost your earnings significantly
Publishing is a business, agenting is a business, and part of writing is a business too.
Diversity is not just an aim and goal: it's a marketing vertical. For every publisher that isn't a non-profit. If you're thinking about how your work is being used, that's good--and the right agent will help you understand and control all of this stuff.
It gives me little pleasure to be curmudgeonly (on this topic, at least), especially when I have a literary novel going out on submission in the coming months and there are 2.3 publishers left in Canada.
I'm just saying, be leery, and remember that your agent works with and for you in a way that a publisher often does not.
Finding the right agent is as great a step as finding an editor who gets your stuff and is willing to make it better with you. I've had the good fortune to find both, and boy am I glad for it.
also maybe hiring a black editor here or there is a good way to effect systemic change
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