During our weekly team e-meetings, we're taking time to learn about contemporary Black women in STEM fields!

Today we learned about Dr. Safiya Noble. She is an American researcher; educator; and expert on racism, sexism, and tech.

@safiyanoble #WomenInSTEM #BlackWomenInSTEM
Currently, @safiyanoble is an Associate Professor at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in the Department of Information Studies

[Image of Dr. Noble used under creative commons attribution-share alike 2.0 Generic license, from re:publica via Wikimedia Commons]
Dr. @safiyanoble is also Co-Director of the UCLA Center for Critical Internet Inquiry

Her research on gender, technology, and culture has appeared in both academic publications and popular media outlets.
Dr. Noble is also co-editor of "The Intersectional Internet: Race, Sex, Class and Culture" as well as "Emotions, Technology & Design."

You can buy @safiyanoble's book, "Algorithms of Oppression" at https://bit.ly/AlgorithmsOpp 
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