Tao Flow Thread: Hannibal - Psychopathy, Empathy & Dharma. [THREAD]

In the latest rendition of T. Harris’ psychological thriller, Mads Mikkelsen expertly depicts Hannibal Lecter as a genius psychopath. Hannibal frequently kills anybody of note who violates his sense of manners.
He creates ostentatious displays with the corpses before cannibalizing his victims (in the presence of esteemed dinner guests, no less). These displays - in the words of similarly talented FBI lecturer turned special investigator, Will Graham, are the killer’s mark - his “design”
So how does this relate to Buddhism, and the flow of the Tao? Let us examine the definition of a word. DHARMA: “The eternal and inherent nature of reality, regarded in Hinduism and various religions as a cosmic law underlying right behavior and SOCIAL ORDER.”
The above law meshes well with the concept of polarity - while psychopathy has certain pros that Will Graham’s “pure empathy” lacks, it is true that psychopaths also have their corresponding cons. We witness a battle; a tentative friendship between these powerful&opposing poles.
Dharma underlies a “cosmic right behavior” - it upholds the social order. At the series’ beginning, Hannibal is Will Graham’s Psychiatrist - yet during sessions, Will does‘nt assign Hannibal the “numinous”, spiritual energy typical in such a situations. The Dharma is “imbalanced“
This is because Will possesses an abundance of “mirror neurons”, allowing him to re-create murder scenes hours after they’ve already occurred. Given his nature, Will is one of the few people alive on the planet who can potentially match Hannibal Lecter in cunning and intelligence
All of this begs the question - who is better? Is it better to be a psychopath, or an empath? There are certainly more “empaths” alive than psychopaths. Yet anybody with any sort of social acuity knows that “empaths” suffer from grandiosity just as much as any pyschopath can...
The only difference is CONTROL of emotion. Since psychopathy is a genetic “condition” which calms the amygdala, these people cannot “feel” in the same way as their fellow man- they can only feel in terms of their own personal pleasure, their own gain, and their personal worldview
Yet, is this so different from the worldview of the empath? In the West, we tend to pathologize everything. Mental illnesses abound to the point where the Modern Psych Handbook is now likely 50 feet in diameter & written in size 4 font. From a Tao perspective, we are off course..
We Undoubtedly pathologize way too much in America. When you pathologize, you demonize - you are playing a game of one upmanship. We are in fact ALL pathological to an extent - but as humans living in the corporeal world, we do need SOLUTIONS so that we can live OUR lives fully.
Mid-way through season 2 in the show, Hannibal begins to turn Will Graham to his way of thinking. This offers a Taoist contrast between talented psychopathy + talented empathy. The two MERGE like the symbol of Yin/Yang - both are opposite polarities of a SINGULAR totality....
So, all this begs a question - what is your “empathy” worth? Might it not be true that your empathic lack of cold-bloodedness seeks the SAME APPLAUSE and validation that a psychopath’s manipulation seeks? At their peaks - both are powerful...if harnessed within the Tao Flow...
Here is a free guide to dominating the modern world whether you’re a psychopath OR an empath. Type 0 to DL it for free or any number you’d like to donate - all donations go to book/brand development for YOUR benefit. https://gumroad.com/l/BeastModeBuddhist
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