This is, by the way, why you'll hear as much screaming about sexism from the "ugly girls" as from the "pretty girls." Because once everyone is just meat, you can do anything you want to them.
Being pretty does not make you dinner. Being plain does not make you spoiled meat. Because WOMEN ARE PEOPLE. We do not deserve to be treated like part of the fucking buffet.
And yes, "pretty people are treated differently," but the difference in treatment between a gorgeous man and an unattractive one is not as extreme as the difference between a women's size 10 and a 16.
I am unlikely to ever experience hot girl harassment. I am happy about that. It's not something I want. But every hot girl knows that my form of harassment--the silence, the exclusion--is just a cheesecake and a missed dye job away.
(Sexism feeds fatphobia in our culture! Did you know? Well, yeah, of course you did, even if you never really thought about it, because you live here too, in the wider culture of people who read English and have been exposed to modern media.)
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