So...there’s an influencer I met at the rewardStyle conference that I really liked. She did several giveaways/blogger collabs that weren’t diverse at all (all white women/maybe one Asian or white passing Latina included), and I asked her nicely via DM to be more inclusive.
She gaslit me in those DMs and claimed I was “bullying” her (even though I messaged her privately and repeatedly said I liked her content), proceeded to show me every photo she’s ever taken with a black person, and claimed she didn’t set up the giveaway so it wasn’t her problem.
I'm so tempted to share these receipts, but I don’t know. She was so horrible to me in those DMs, and now she has a swimwear collab that launched today (spoiler: no black models in that shoot either!)

Could spill the tea, could mind my own damn business 🤷🏾‍♀️
Screw it. Here we go. Receipts.
Part 2.
Girl, bye. Nothing about this was skewed out of context. I posted the conversation in its entirety. You can hop off of my page now. Gaslighting black women isn’t a cute look.
You can follow @AliciaTenise.
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