I've been putting some thought into whether I should stream tomorrow due to #TWITCHBLACKOUT and I've decided I will stream. (Thread: 1/4)
My position on this is that any blackout will remove educated, positive and empathetic voices from the platform while raising that same platform for those who cause harm to others or are complicit in this. (Thread: 2/4)
My hope by streaming is that people, particularly those unaware of the blackout, will have a place to go that does not put them at risk of these other individuals, and as a community we can discuss these issues openly, within boundaries viewers find comfortable. (Thread: 3/4)
I hope those who choose to take part in the blackout and see this understand my position, and perhaps consider changing their perspective. Likewise, I am open to hearing counter views to my position. (Thread: 4/4)
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