Imagine having so many layers of privilege that not one of these 6 people had the issue of racism pop to mind on an IQ paper? I hope editors and @PsychScience do some soul searching re whether racial background and bias shaped what they published during these years. I hope...
They question how many intergroup/diversity scholars’ careers they failed to support or positively shape by not being interested enough by the work, presuming it “lacked broad appeal” in the field—after all they just showed us what they did think passed that high bar. I hope...
This journals, and all the journals watching, take this retraction as a call to action: diversify your board, your reviewers. Add questions to force reviewers to evaluate the statistical quality and theoretical reasoning of papers. And hold those who make mistakes to account...
Of course everyone can learn from mistakes. But some mistakes are massive enough that you should not keep your high power and status position. Sometimes learning demands more and takes longer than is possible during a editorial tenure. That is good for science. #AcademicTwitter
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