People who are talking about “a few hundred letters from angry nerds not doing anything” are mistaken.

Most of us defending Scott are thoughtful, compassionate, mature adults who would stand up for anyone being unjustly victimized in front of us, particularly if no one else was
We have families and communities and friends and are kind and reasonable people

Seeing someone attacked who is also kind and reasonable is alienating exactly the people you want defending you when people say you’ve gone too far—people known for being kind and reasonable
Doxxing Scott is malicious and reckless and unnecessary

It gives credence to the worst claims people make about journalists who claim to strive for ethics rather than clicks

This whole controversy is about clicks rather than ethics and it’s deplorable
Make no mistake: This type of action is hateful and bullying and destructive of a community where trans, gay, mentally ill, and disabled people have found a welcoming and compassionate community working together to try to make the world better by seeking solutions to problems
It’s punching down from a platform of privilege and prestige that caters primarily to the affluent and the motivations are clearly rooted in stoking controversy
If the NYT profiled me for any of my essays or the communities I participate in I would have similar reservations about my real name being shared because it FRIGHTENS ME and I have seen the lengths random people will go to in order to hurt people they don’t like.
If your public persona is not your private one, it’s simply not relevant. If Scott were himself trans, the optics on this would look unbelievably malicious and dangerous.

It’s not different.
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