Stop entertaining these men! It’s the year of the masculine and LOOK wtf is going on in the world. So that masculine that won’t reach out, drop them. That masculine that won’t make the effort, delete them. That masculine that can’t make up their mind, leave them alone. Let this
Be the year that “I’m not ready for a relationship..” becomes the indication of “I’m not capable of loving someone like you.” Simple. The year of the feminine taught us the importance of self love for this very moment. Most of these masculine energies today don’t know the first
thing when it comes to unity with feminine duality. They dress up like king’s & don’t even know how to love a queen. A lot of masculine feel that it’s in their right to have a queen fulfill their needs and passions w/o the title bc “they’re healing & your presence matters..” it’s
All over music, memes, movies.. it’s feeding the systematic program that sexuality is everything & it’s all you need to get through moments of confusion when it comes to love. That way, no one feels the importance of true communication & vulnerability. Queens, stop playing the
Game. And for my sexually inclined Feminine’s like myself, try exploring other parts of yourself and sexuality especially if you’re bisexual, with intention and discipline. Take this time to discover yourself w/o getting wrapped into the power struggles that is masculine energies
Right now. Masculine energy had more of an upper hand on feminine energy for longer than you think, same game, it just looks cleaner. Sound familiar? These masculine are systematically programmed and they don’t even KNOW IT. They don’t understand how a system could program their
Standings as a Masculine energy. How it could sink into every role they’ve ever played & how it affects every feminine they’ve ever been with. Since they can no longer “own us”, new worlds order just made it so sexuality became our blinders. No matter the move you make, someone
Will sexualize u for it as a feminine. Especially if u wanna do anything big. Masculine labels themselves as wholesome & humble, but be playing this same game on u subconsciously through programming & don’t ever wanna do shit about it.Thank god the ps5 saved them again from it 🥴
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