Probably 10 people are gonna pitch a show called “Cancelled.”

It’ll be about a sweet kind celebrity who has done something problematic in the past that has resurfaced.

Show will be about that person confronting who they are and trying to grow in a world that doesn’t want to
accept that growth.

It will be controversial — the one of those pitches that actually gets made and goes to series — and not clever people will repeat the hacky line, “When is ‘Cancelled’ gonna be cancelled?”

The show will actually be good!

But then sometime someone on the
Show has done in the past will resurface — something problematic — and then the commentary will shift to “can you believe the show about cancelling is actually dealing with someone on it getting cancelled!”

The show will do an admirable job trying to address this

Then it will
Be cancelled.
That is my prediction.
Btw I am merely making a joke, this isn’t me being holier than thou or preachy.

But I would hope other straight white men take this opportunity to shut up, listen, do some hard, even uncomfortable reflection and try to be a better, more helpful human.

Okay that part is preachy
I probably phrased this wrong and if this somehow offends you, I apologize in advance. I’ll just say that’s that I am doing then.
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