I bet he’d give pie as a courting gift. He’d show up at your door with a freshly baked pie and take you down to the river to watch fireflies
I’ve recited the “They come with fire, they come with axes” speech at so many of my old workplaces. Particularly when I worked at Kohl’s during Christmas. God, that was Hell
I remember my younger sister coming home from school one day in early 2002, saying “Good news! I got a date for the prom! And Gandalf’s alive!”
My geeky ass: Gandalf’s alive?!? 🤩
I really felt for the Ents. The aging remains of an earlier time. Doomed to vanish, but with a hidden strength for a final muster
I remember back in 04 when I had bronchitis and felt like I was dying, I basically felt how Théoden looked when Sauraman was controlling him. So I gave a coworker a metal rod that we used to raise and lower the gate, and asked him to exorcise me like Gandalf did.
It didn’t work, but it was nice to know he cared, and he tried 😊
When Aragorn frees Brego, the horse who has seen too much battle. That’s it, that’s the tweet
How did Grima see that many specific details in Aragorn’s ring in the 12 seconds he had to look at it?! Is my memory just that bad? I’ve seen these movies dozens of times and I couldn’t describe it so well!
And what is that book that Saruman has? It strikes me like the old “character reads the script book” gag
Gollum/Smeagol’s conversation is all too familiar with my talks with Depression Self
They really did Faramir wrong in this movie
The gag of Éowyn being a terrible cook was funny and I’ll stand by it. And the fact that no one was mean to her about it was nice.
Note how shocked she was when she asked “Really?!” when Aragorn said it was good. I’m glad Bf is more honest than that (believe me, we’ve had our share of “let’s never speak of this again” meals) but Éowyn has had a rough enough time. They can eat her cursed stew and smile
I love that all of the characters who played elves got to actually learn Elvish as a language for their role 😊
People give Elrond crap for being controlling of Arwen, but think. He loves her. Time is immaterial to the elves. All he knows is that if she binds herself to Aragorn she WILL DIE. What is a parent’s first duty, if not their own child’s safety? He may be harsh, but he loves her
And he yields in the end, with very little persuasion, really. His world is falling apart and his daughter is taking up with a human. A human he trusts and admires, who he knows will love and care for Arwen with every breath in his body.
So he gives him the means to be victorious (but that’s another movie!)
John Noble is physically incapable of playing a good guy
Seriously, fuck that guy
Where the hell did they get this Faramir from? Opposite Land?
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