Good and bad aren't things you are, they're things you do.
It's really, really easy to wave away one's own harmful actions by contending "well, I'm a good person".

"Good" is a choice you have to make every day. If you want to be a "good person", it's one decision at a time that hopefully adds up to a balance of good acts.
When folks call you out for saying or doing something that runs counter to your belief that you are "good", it's important to listen and remember that even if your balance is toward the good, you are capable of doing "bad".

Take my thread about ableist jokes about 45.
Lots of "good" self-identified progressive folks who very likely fight for causes that help other people were defending their ableism, some to an extreme degree.

Because they are "good people", and if they have to admit they did something ableist, that threatens that.
But here's the thing.
Good and bad being choices you make one choice at a time means you can always course correct. It is literally never too late to start making better choices, more humane choices.
Isn't that so hopeful? Isn't that a relief?
You can always choose a new path.
You will have to contend with the consequences of your past actions. You may never be forgiven for some or all of your past "bad" actions. That doesn't negate the possibility of swinging the balance back to "good."

Being "good" is hard. It requires energy. "Bad" requires less.
But the payoff is worth it.

I generally notice the trend that whenever I make a "good" choice, it may be hard at first, but the path becomes easier as I go. When I make "bad" choices, usually from neglect, it's easier at first, but the path gets harder as you go (consequences!).
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