I think the Left Behind style apocalypse didn't think through Millennials and Zoomers.
When the four horsemen arrive and twitter is thirst tweeting them and sending nudes
KPOP stans filling Leon's one-religion insta hashtag with stan videos
People around the world coming together to discuss the increase in 'invisible scorpion stings' and concluding its the COPS infiltrating neighbourhoods to fuck up the resistance
Rick when Morty disappears leaving just his clothes
Literally the second Nicole Carpathia shows up on the world stage
When they find Bruce's VHS
The lesbians crowdfunding Counselling for Hattie
Hattie yeeting that thing
A Head-tattoo-chip hack leaking before the official thing even starts
The one world government finding David in petra before the others even get there
The conspiracy theorists right after Nicolai gets buried in that giant sculpture
Carol Baskin putting a stop to the animal cruelty to horses before the last battle
Chloe thinking that food Co-ops are new when Mutual Aid, protestors and Food Banks been doing the work throughout history
Chloe in that tree that one time
All of Rayford's wives in that last book they forgot to write
Steve Plank. That is all.
Chang Wong and Ming Toy looking at their own character descriptions
Gaga crowdfunding a proper funeral for the two prophets
Jesus finding this thread and having to forgive me for it
Leah Rose carrying the rest of the characters by being the only decent one
Nicolae's mom in the ill thought out prequel
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