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I cannot think of a time more apparent than this to evidence the delusion of multiculturalism.

Andrew Breitbart was a prophet on this.
The inclination for flawed humans to gather around and divide themselves by immutable demographic traits and expect the end result to be non-tribal is as much a delusional utopia as the Marxist influences that undergird the notion.

We’ve been told by the Left that
multiculturalism is what makes us great, it creates a beautiful mosaic, and brings out the best in us.

What was not mentioned is that when these intersectional groups gather around and destroy the shared history and values that define America (or the West) that all that is left
are the differences between groups with very little overlapping interests. Similarities and differences become centered around a group’s identity and thus tribalism rules! There are no mixing of identities under this model of being unless it is for the pursuit of power.
And once power is obtained by that blended group, the power is then fought over again along tribal identity lines.

It is a feckless, evil way in which to live. It is exponentially regressive and brings humanity back millennia to near-animalistic tendencies.
Multiculturalism will destroy everything if we cannot agree to respect and collectively value our history and fundamental ideologies that made us great to begin with.

Those in the mob today envision a “utopia”, yet they will bring about DYSTOPIA of unimaginable proportion.
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